Get Involved: Foundation Office Coordinator Opportunity

The FMG Foundation Office Partnership initiative has been launched to enable the Foundation and our office teams to connect and support local charities and good causes in their own local communities.
As part of this initiative, the Foundation is looking for a member of staff from each of our offices to volunteer to act as a Foundation Office Coordinator for their office.
Although this is a voluntary role, giving your support and gift of time can give you great personal satisfaction, the feeling of giving back to your community, making a difference and helping to improve the lives of people in your community, is a great feeling!
If you think you have the time, energy, drive to organise and lead the fundraising activities for your office then we would love to hear from you.
The key tasks would include
- Co-ordinating and being the point of contact for your charity
- Being the Foundation leader for your office
- Energizing and motivating your office teams to support your office charity
- Working with your teams to organiser and deliver your office fundraising activities
- Liaising and report with the Foundation trustees
Give me a shout & tell us why you would like to become our Foundation Co/ordinator