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Brighton Marathon

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Brighton Marathon

The brilliant Friday Media Group runners clocked up hundreds of miles between them on during the Brighton Marathon weekend, taking part in the full marathon and 10k races. The hours of training and healthy eating paid off, and everyone completed their personal challenge, raising essential funds for the Friday Media group foundation in the process.

The crowds came out in their thousands on the day, making it a very special, hugely successful occasion for the city of Brighton & Hove. Everyone at Friday-Ad and the Friday Media Group is very proud to have taken part. Finish times to be published soon!

“What a brilliant effort made by our runners who trained hard for months and pushed themselves to the limits in aid of a great local cause,” said Sam Kidger, Group Managing Director of Friday Media Group which owns Friday-Ad. “Staff across the business have donated money inspired by our runners, so I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone.”

Here are our photos from the day:

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