The Friday-Ad and the staff at the Friday Media Group will be supporting the local homeless charity Turning Tides “Pull Up a Chair Appeal” The staff at our Sayers Common office will be doing fundraising by holding a Christmas Hamper raffle and a Christmas collection to raise funds for a donation to provide Christmas meals for homeless people in our local community.

Will you invite someone to ‘Pull Up a Chair’ this Christmas?
Turning Tides is appealing to the public to donate £35 to enable a homeless man or woman to ‘pull up a chair’ around the Christmas table – providing them a festive meal, company, warmth and support during the festive period. They will also be able to have a hot shower and fresh clean clothes.
Living on the street, sleeping in a cold dark alleyway, taking shelter in the woods or constantly on the move for fear of being abused, you would not be looking forward to the next day, let alone Christmas.
As John Holmstrom, Chief Executive at Turning Tides knows only too well from the hundreds of clients accessing support throughout the year; “Christmas is often the toughest time for people are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Physically, financially and emotionally it represents a real and desperate challenge. Nearly half of our clients have a mental health diagnosis. We must never underestimate how essential support services, such as ours are.”
Paul a previous client of Turning Tides often felt “despised, avoided or even abused” whilst living on the streets. “Any small act of kindness or human warmth” provided such a “valuable form of sustenance to a suffering homeless person.”
Members of the public, businesses, community groups can now individually and collectively show people whose lives have deteriorated into homelessness compassion this Christmas. For just £35 you can ‘pull up a chair’ or for £70 two chairs, for a homeless man or woman in your community to help them feel safe, warm and cared for.
Lucy Knowles, Community Fundraising Manager explains, “This is the season of giving and what better way to make a difference with your pounds than to secure a place for someone around our dining table.
For our clients, knowing they can be safe and warm indoors away from the coldest weather of the year, being assured a hot healthy meal to eat in comfort with company and support to find the belief in themselves a brighter future is ahead of them is vital. For some, it could be the first step out of homelessness.”
You can make a donation over the phone on 01903 680740 or online here:
Or you might consider giving a £35 gift card to post to a loved one. This really is a gift that would warm the hearts of your friends and family by knowing this is truly making a difference to someone who is facing probably the toughest time in their life.
Order your gift today by phoning Turning Tides on 01903 680740, emailing fundraising@turning-tides.org.uk or popping along to their office at Worthing Town Hall, open Monday to Frid
Further Details about Turning Tides:

Turning Tides are a community-led homelessness organisation that believes that everyone has the right to a home, regardless of the difficulties and issues they may face in their lives. The work they undertake to empower homeless and insecurely housed individuals is vital. Through a variety of specialist support services, both residential and community-based, the aim for each individual is to achieve sustainable independent living.
Address: Turning Tides, Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1HA Phone: 01903 680740 Website: www.turning-tides.org.uk Email: info@turning-tides.org.uk